HP 415E SWR Meter


Brief introduction/description.

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This equipment has been tested. Please refer to the tests/remarks section below for details.

SERIAL NO: 2031A08991

MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION: The 415E SWR Meter is a low noise, tuned amplifier-voltmeter calibrated in dB and SWR for use with square law detectors. It is an extremely useful instrument for measuring SWR, attenuation, and gain directly from metered scales, or as a tuned amplifier for driving an X-Y recorder when making RF substitution measurements. The 415E responds to a standard tuned frequency of 1000Hz. This frequency is front panel adjustable over a range of 7% for exact matching to the internal 1kHz modulation of the signal source being used. Amplifier bandwidth is also adjustable from 15Hz to 130Hz.


  • Damage to meter.
  • Case fair (No input diode/probe)
  • Power on OK