Gaussian Noise Generator
This equipment has been tested. Please refer to the tests/remarks section below for details.
SERIAL NO: 07900311
Many systems, test stations, test sets, laboratory benches, and other areas, require sour ce s of symmetrical, non-clipped Gaussian noise for many diverse applications including audio testing, vibration analysis, and general purpose testing.
The Models 602A/603A were developed as companion units to the Model 610A for use in those areas not requiring the precise specifications or operating flexibility of this more expensive unit.
These new all solid state instruments incorporate the flexible mod- ular package proven in the Model 610A. Upgrading of existing systems and test stations utilizing noise generators is easily accomplished with either of these models by using one of the various mounting options available.
The Model 602 A/603 A Noise Generators employ a solid state device as a noise source. The output of the noise source is amplified by a special low noise feedback preamplifier. The noise is then passed through a switchable single pole low pass RC filter. The resulting signal is then further amplified by a variable gain feedback amplifier.
The appropriate gain for each frequency range is selected by the range switch. The resulting noise voltage is then passed through another switchable single pole low pass RC filter and through the variable attenuator to the output amplifier. The output of this amplifier is fed to the output meter and the five position output attenuator.
The output of the attenuator is brought to the front panel. The output meter is an average reading voltmeter calibrated to read the RMS value of a Gaussian distributed voltage. The required dc power is supplied by a regulated power supply that uses a zener reference diode.
- 20 Kcs, 500 Kcs, 5 Mls, Test, All OK
- Attenuator, OK
- Amplitude up to 3 volts RMS output, OK
- Case/body in fair condition.